Saturday, August 25, 2007

Plane's Edgarz Legzdins on focus.

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By: Gabe Pidgin

1. So here we are, Edgars. In your first interview with me about a year ago, you told me that "I See Love In The Future" was gonna be something important, something big. What do you feel about it now? Accomplished?

There was a lot of drama making the record; it's all kind of a blur. Ed left the band right after he recorded his last track. It kind of left an empty meaningless feeling. I had to find new musicians with some heart that needed to fill that hole. The record took another direction. I just go with the flow and punches, I’m not sure you can ever feel accomplished that way. You’d be a real dick if you did.

2. Is "I See Love In The Future" a good comeback for Plane?

I never knew Plane was trailing.

3. Is this album more personal than the previous ones?

They’re all personal. Unfortunately there are no different levels of personal for me.

4. What can you say about Plane's new members?

Troopers real troopers. Gary Stier, Ryan Weston, Jackie (I just call her Jackie) and Joe Scro good people.

5. I imagine this album means a lot to you. You recorded it and produced it. Did you have a certain idea on how each song should sound like?

I’m interested in examining all directions and then analyzing what is emotionally stimulating. It’s a time consuming process. If I knew what they should sound like, I’d never record them; I’d just replay them in my head.

6. Has any label shown any interest in picking up this release?

One did and we talked about it over chicken fingers. The chicken fingers were fantastic. Then the label went bankrupt.

7. Why 9 songs man!? Why not 10??

I only have nine fingers.

8. The album contains alot of strong songs. The Calling Days, I see love in the future, Rundowners to name a few. Any singles coming off soon?

I See Love in The Future and Save the Lost its Past. We'll have videos for them soon. You can check one out on our myspace page: We start a radio campaign soon with Team Clermont. College radio should be playing it by September.

9. Do you feel Plane has gained a more "happy" and "Optimistic" attitude

My car just exploded, I've tossed all my cash into recording this album and promoting it, I'm broke. So is the rest of the band. I don't know. There's a time where lines and dreams and lives must part ways.

10. Was the message in this album stronger than the past ones?

Absolutely. Being older and all I can't sing about biatches anymore. I wanted to write an album with some political commentary, some soul commentary. An outlook on what's going on. They used to write worldly words with meaning back in the sixties. That was some really great songwriting back then. Really solid shit, it meant something. I like writing words and songs that mean something.

11. So what's in the future for Edgars? What's in the future for Plane?

Hopefully a new job and a happy wife. Plane will probably head in a completely different direction. I’ve always loved the Jesus and Mary chain sound.

12. What music are you listening to today? Are these artists influencing you on the way you compose music?

I wish I listened to more music. I just spin my old record collection. There’s a lot of great bands today, awesome shit. I just don't get around to buying albums and listening to them. i don't know why, i really should. If I did I’d be able to imitate music better and become popular i think. Unfortunately, I’m stuck with this head and this head tells me what it thinks sounds good. My head's not so talented in imitating others.

13. Five top artists of all time.

Joy Division, The Cure, The Smiths, New Order, Jesus and Mary Chain, whatever their best albums were I guess those.

14. What do you think is the best song of the album? Productionwise?

Who knows, that's for the public to decide. My favorite tunes are always ones recorded on a tape deck or an answering machine.

15. Have you kept in touch with any of the band's ex-members?

Why would I stay in contact with mother fuckin assholes?

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(Cover for the album, "I See Love In The Future")

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