Monday, August 03, 2009

Another puddle, today

The minds circulates anatomically

And the process of thought creates migraines and spasm

People stare at each other

While the stars ablaze the seemingly mad intellectualism

Everything turns to become

Another thought smashed against the driven concrete.

You look at me while I smile and laugh,

We both take off to Guanacaste in the middle of the night

To watch the waves and the sea at daybreak dawn

Death has never been this close

It just reminds us of our own organic bodies

That will one day disappear into nothingness,

An emotion’s an illusion,

Not quite confusion.

And we will never be the same,

Destiny changed our self-destructive ways.

Children and old men,

Will never know the adrenaline craze,

The metallic spurred moments,

The hysteria of dawn.

If just we could talk

And live this out everyday,

My mind would be contempt…

But my body would ache.

The far flung ejaculation

Would be a lost dream…

Or maybe it won’t,

If I could meet you again,

The sex and the smokes would cloud up my head,

It simply would be too much,

Just a little insane.

The present is weak,

I just wait for the day.

‘Cause my heart yearns for freedom,

And adventure… ok?

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Esta fue mi semana!!!

Me encontraba en Heredia un martes en la noche, con mi amigo Gabo. Gabo era este chiquillo, 4 años menor que yo. Estaba aprendiendo a escribir, yo como un buen amigo le pase un poco de lectura. Empecé con Bukowski, algo simple honesto y veraz. Pero bueno, nos dirigimos para este barcillo que no me acuerdo el nombre. Íbamos a ver a un tal Luis Ga tocar canciones populares, de esas que todo cantan cuando están bien alcoholizados. Ya con los seis meses cumplidos de dejar el trago y otras atrocidades, me pedí un buen te frío. Ahí me comí un poco de pollo. Estábamos con unos amigos, una chica que conocía desde que tenia cinco años y el afamado Greña, conocido así por sus loqueras en la barra del equipo de la Liga Deportiva Alajuelense.

Empecé a cantar y pegar gritos como un idiota. Era necesario, sentía esa necedad, de cantar canciones que no me sabia y hacer coros a como me saliera. El Luis Ga tocaba como cualquier otro individuo en cualquier bar latinoamericano. Estuve dándole parejo a los te fríos y a los gritos por varias horas. De la nada se me acerca el mesero y me dice, “joven, hay por ahí una chica que lo quiere invitar a un trago”. “Si, mire caballero tráigame un te frío y mándemele uno de esos tes a la chica tan dadivosa” –Así le dije, con casualidad y ya. ¿Será que existe un código de meseros de bar, que no pueden decir quien m ando el trago? No me entere quien me lo mando y no supe nada mas del asunto.

Estaba tan movida la música de Luis Ga que le di la mano a la amiga de toda la vida y me tire a pista. Me la baile como pude, estaba un poco herrumbrado, sin embargo fue posible tirar un poco de vueltillas y movidas. Ahí le dimos al bailongo, rápido y conciso. Una pareja de jóvenes se nos quedaba viendo y se morían de la risa.

Contadas las doce y media nos fuimos de ahí. Luis Ga se despidió, el bar se lleno de puro humo de cigarro y mi colega Gabo y yo nos montamos de vuelta en el carro y dimos por finalizada la noche.

El jueves me encontraba en clase de publicidad. De saco y corbata, presentando un nose que de publicidad. Nada trascendental, solo la típica presentación de media hora adonde la seriedad y la madurez se enfatizaban. Acabamos la presentación y nos sentamos todos de vuelta en nuestros pupitres. Unas presentaciones mas adelante las chicas que presentaron nos dieron unas paletillas para chupar mientras ellas presentaban. Estuve dándole y dándole al dulce. En una de esas le metí un mordisco. Había una chica con pelo largo como a dos metros al lado mío. Se me ocurrió escupir lo pedazos del chicloso dulce. Le cayo un pedazo en su pelo. Muertos de risa todos, vimos como unos minutos después se hizo una trenza en su pelo. Genial, se le hizo un pegoste toda la cochinada… ese evento nos hizo el día. Greña estaba por ahí, muerto de risa ante mi perpetua inmadurez y mi ingenuidad estupida.

El viernes fuimos Daniel Costura y yo a ver un grupo de nuestro amigo de hace años ensayar con su grupo de punk llamado La Raspa. Estaba interesante, ahí estuve haciendo coros en el ensayo mientras Victillor me regañaba por no cantar en la misma nota que el. Al grupo le faltaban ensayos de más. En una de esas Victillor se frustro, le pego una regañada a los miembros de su grupo nuevo tiro el bajo por ahí y se fue para afuera. Que frustración, pobres muchachos. Victillor era el típico nazi de grupo, el cual quería que sonara su música así y aza. A veces no se puede, ya que las melodías que este escucha solo se entienden y suenan en su cabeza.

Finalizado el ensayo monte a Victillor al carro. Le puse un poquitico de música, a el le pareció interesante, dijo que tenia que pasarle música. “Con mucho gusto” – Le dije. Nos dirigíamos para un concierto adonde varios grupillos de rock estarían tocando canciones de Los Ramones. Nada mal, iba con mi jacket ramonera y mis pantalones apretados. Llegamos al lugar, dos mil pesos en la entrada. Antes de empezar el concierto orine bastante porque iba a cantar una canción con Los Cuchillos. Había que orinar… ¡Había que! Los Cuchillos empezaron por ahí de la nueve y media. Ahí apareció Tilio Pidgin, siempre serio, con su camisa de Los Queers. Cuando me tocaba la canción que tenia que cantar subí de un brinco al escenario y a pegar buen pulmón. Ahí entone las letras de Joey Ramone como si no hubiera mañana. Me equivoque por ahí del medio de la canción y creo que solo Fabro, el batero de Los Cuchillos se dio cuenta.

Me baje del escenario y seguí pegando los tantos merecidos gritos. Estaba alzando el puño y pegando brincos de arriba para abajo, a lo puro punk de los setentas, haciendo el pogo. Toco Adaptados y yo casi me vuelvo loco, abrase a un extraño a la par mía. Otro carajillo se subió al escenario, pego un vuelo, tratando de hacer un crowd surf. Nadie lo atajo. Callo de cabeza al piso. Lo levante. Resulto ser un muchachillo de 17 años. Ahí hablamos un poco sobre los grupos. Le conté sobre mis aventuras de La Salamandra, aquel hueco en la pared en Moravia adonde pegue gritos años atrás. Luego toco UFO, llevaba como un año de no verlos en vivo. Me monte en un parlante, y con el puño en alto entone las letras de Alucinar,

“…Hoy sentado en el bar del viejo Ben, estoy pensando en como cambian las cosas!”

Seguí en el concierto, el cual se estaba tornando en una pura sopa de sudor, humo de cigarro, confites regados por todo lado. Maje un chicle y me lo quite con la mano. Lo deje pegado en el escenario y me metí en el moshpit. Ahí estuve empujando a aquellos que se me querían venir encima. Me tope con el afamado Arnoldo, el guitarrista de Los Cuchillos. Hablamos un poquillo de querer tocar en una banda Ramonera. “Mae tocamos todo para abajo y solo tocamos tres acordes” A mi se me abrieron los ojos y me sentí como u niño al oír a este amigo ofrecerme la oportunidad de tocar.

La noche acabo pronto, estaba con dolor de espalda de tanto brinco, un poco afónico y con ganas de echarme un buen vaso de agua. Ahí caminando para el parqueo me tope con un mago callejero el cual me dejo perplejo con un buen truco de magia. Conocí a un polaco canadiense el cual había estado encerrado en San Sebastian. Resulto que el mago callejero también había pasado tiempo en la misma cárcel. Este estuvo ahí por querer asaltar una venta de pollo asado. Le metieron un balazo el cual todavía lo tenía incrustado en su pierna. Buenos momentos. Me monte en el carro, llegue a mi casa, hable con el Nicolás sobre las posibilidades de grabarle un grupo. Ahí estuvimos conversando ya pasadas las 2 AM de cómo usar escaleras, muchos cables y buenos micrófonos para grabar a su grupo.

Se vino el sábado en la noche. Pase a recoger a mi colega, el Gabo. Resulto que cumplía años Daniel Costura. Nos fuimos a celebrarle a un barcillo que estaba en Barrio Lujan. El lugar estaba vacío, con excepción de una pareja y la mesa adonde estaban sentados todos los personajes que conocí en mi adolescencia tardía. Ahí estaba el Fo con su nueva novia, una chiquilla atractiva, Daniel Costura con su novia Adriana, la cual me sonrío cuando la salude. Estaba Albi y Lores que andan juntos. También estaba la Felicia, sentada en una silla. Nos tomamos unas buenas fotos adonde hicimos caras de interesantes. Ocupaba ir al baño para descargar. Me metí al baño de mujeres porque el baño de hombres no tenia tapa. El escusado tenía un colchón. Demasiado kitsch y poco agradable. Volví a sentarme a la mesa adonde estaban todos estos viejos amigos. Ahí le conté al Fo sobre la publicación de mi libro, sobre un posible café que quería abrir. Estuvimos conversando un poco y contadas las once de la noche despegamos mi colega y yo.

Agarramos directo al culo del mundo en Heredia. Subiendo y subiendo para la montaña. Cumplía mi amigo David. Fuimos a dar a quien sabe donde. Preguntando a todos los que nos encontramos en la calle, diciéndoles “amigo” y “jefe”. Dimos con el lugar en cual había otro grupo de música de esos que solo hay en Latinoamérica. Genérico y bien producido para hacer bailar a los alcoholizados y a todos aquellos que quieran coger unas horas después. Ahí estuve pegando gritos una vez mas, a David y a sus amigos les dio pena mi idiotez… Nos tomamos más fotos. Le mente la madre a David por hacer su fiesta de cumpleaños tan largo de la metrópolis de la gran área metropolitana. El lugar estaba escondido en la montaña. Me pedí dos cócteles sin licor que estaban asquerosos. Me queje porque no traían la cuenta y pague por esa cochinada de aguas con sabores que luego en el viaje de vuelta me dieron ganas de vomitar. De vuelta en carro puse mas Charlie Parker. Empezó a llover y Gabo estaba tranquilo como siempre. “Es que es un escritor en proceso de creación” le dije a todo el mundo cuando se los presente. Lo deje en su casa, le metí 145 Km. al carro en la autopista, la cual estaba vacía y llegue en un santiamén a escribir todo esto. Sigo escuchando Jazz, para darle el toque a la situación, sufriendo una vez más de un leve dolor de espalda. Tengo un congo encaramado en los hombros y me caen gotas de sudor por escribir tan rápido. Buenas noches.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Destino y más.


Son las vueltas de este hijo de puta destino las que me dejan perplejo, sin palabras, con ganas de morder mi destino, con deseos de librarme de las consecuencias de mis acciones tan poco planeadas, tan malinterpretadas y poco liberadoras. Siento que sigo igual, con esta incertidumbre poco placentera, la que me deja pensando como y porque me encuentro en estas circunstancias. Estoy igual que el año pasado, emocionalmente confundido, sin saber para adonde voy o porque estoy en este camino a veces tan confundido.

Me encuentro con unas cuantas relaciones adentro, con mas mujeres que se he han despedido de mi, para hacerme volver una vez mas a buscar una nueva relación. Estando soltero, parece cada vez más que se es más común estar en solitario, navegando solo por las aguas oscuras llamadas destino inconsecuente. O tal no se es inconsecuente, talvez estoy solo por alguna razón, las situaciones en las relaciones pasadas no se dieron. No floreció eso que se llamo relación nueva. La situación no fue placentera y en el momento pareció forzado, una vez más. Llevo tres relaciones seguidas, en una situación forzada. Tratando de que las chicas me gusten, que sean verdaderamente genuinas e interesantes. ¿Será que no puedo compensar por mi falta de interés en cultivarme verdaderamente? No se que le ando buscando a esta situación. Siempre quise un noviazgo meramente artístico y pretencioso, algo nuevo, que sea genuino y siempre cambiante. Que simplemente no se sepa que espera de las situaciones suscitadas por la relación. Empezar el día en un lugar y partir de ahí sin ningún plan, adonde el tiempo nos lleve. Llevar papel y lápiz, cámara en mano y simplemente dejarse ir. Nos damos cuenta y terminamos en el otro lado del valle central sin darnos cuenta. Simplemente nos dejamos ir, sin ningún problema y con toda la gana del mundo.

Pero esto no sucede, sigue siendo algo que verdaderamente anhelo y nunca llega. Puede ser que me estoy juntando con gente poco adecuada. Creo que ando buscando un estilo de vida que deje atrás hace un tiempo y no me estoy dando cuenta de esto. Talvez es que el anhelo nunca fue concretado en algo plausible y que pudiera llamar como verdadero. No me culpo. Siempre andaba buscando hacia fuera y poco hacia adentro. Puede ser que sea yo, otro idiota del montón que quiere sobresalir solo porque cree pensar originalmente y puede unir unas cuantas palabras para que suene genuino y meramente interesante.

Le doy rienda vuelta a mi pensamiento y me veo en un par de años en un escenario completamente diferente al que me encuentro en este momento. Espero estar contando el tiempo que vivo en otro lugar, sonriendo al verme envuelto en todo esto. Si algo es claro, creo que voy dando cada paso como se debe. Talvez un poco lento pero por lo menos ahora si voy seguro. Voy para algún lado con la fuera de un tren… como lo había relatado anteriormente.

Por el momento no me siento nada mal, quiero algo que no tengo, claramente este comportamiento ya se me hace viejo, siempre ando anhelando como un niño en mi interior. Talvez si pudiera estar conforme con lo que tengo dejaría de ser tan fantasioso. Aunque si mato la fantasía podría matar todo eso que me mueve hacia un mañana mas lleno de luz y prosperidad. Tengo que definir mis prioridades, actuar lentamente y pronto todo estará como lo espero. Eso si lo quiero.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Poesía de momento


Chiquilla de tez compleja

De piel suave como la seda

Su cuerpo me enloquece…

Sus palabras me estremecen

No puedo tenerte

Ni tampoco quererte…

Solo dame un tiempo para encontrar

Buenos hábitos y fuerza de voluntad

Saldré de aquí algún día…

Buscare con toda mi alegría

Aquella chiquilla que me brinde armonía

Su pelo será tan bello

Y su cuerpo tan perfecto…

Solo dame un tiempo, mujer

Necesito aprender a comprender

Cuento los días para conocerte

Es aquí, cuando me perderé en tus brazos…

Para siempre


Y todo aquello que una vez se quiso

Se desvaneció y resulto ser una falsedad

Por muchas noches he sufrido

Sin saber que todo ha sido un descuido

Me he cagado entre mi boca

Masticando mi mierda me he adolorido


No me vuelvas a ver así

Que me mata saber que podes salir

Se que estas paredes no te paran

Se que puede ser feliz

Este aislamiento a veces me mata

Otras veces me hace sonreír

Algunas veces quiero tener tu dicha

Otras veces quiero huir

Esta monotonía me entranza

Me vuelve loco y me quiere deprimir

No es fácil saber que otros pueden

Se que es doloroso el deja fluir

La verdad me acecha, me quiere destruir

La realidad me pega y me doy cuenta que estoy aquí


Quiero tu piel, tu cuerpo, tu pudor

Deseo hundirme en tus senos

Besando tu cuerpo me quiero morir

Anhelo tus piernas, tu pelo y tu pecho

Quiero que me hagas sentir

Aquellos sentimientos tan placenteros…

Todo aquello que muchas noches he añorado

“esas caricias que nunca me has dado”

¡Ayúdame! Estos pensamientos inquietan mi alma,

Muerden mis sueños con añoranza

Me dejan inquieto, sin calma

Con prisa y con mucha desesperanza

Te tuve aquella tarde,

Me besaste y luego derramaste esas lagrima que aun apuñalan mi alma

Si tan solo supieras cuanto me encantas…

Creo que nunca sabrás toda esta alabanza.

No sos mujer cualquiera, sobresales en todas mis batallas…

Te tengo presente en la mañana,

Cuando me levanto y dejo mi cama.

Pasan los años y te vuelves más bella,

Me inspiras y me cautivas.

Escribiste una vez más mis palabras,

Me has dejado con desventajas.

Vicias mi ser con tus ojos,

Me hipnotizas con tus recuerdos.

Sos mi desamor más grande,

La chica que siempre se me escapa…

No se si volveré a tenerte, sin embargo,

No hay nada que mas quisiera mi alma.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Plane is here, it's 2009, where are you!?

…“if my heart stopped falling, it wouldn’t feel any lessthere’s a god in you, it’s trying to capture you…”


I first came across Plane about three (four by the time of this publication) years ago and became hooked on the lyrics and the personal feel that Edgar Legzdins; the main man behind Plane and other musical endeavors such as The Collection, gave to the band. Plane is a band that is clearly influenced by post-punk acts such as Joy Division and A Public Image Limited. Their sound isn’t as “depressingthough, they’ve got some interesting melodic hooks that suggest the likes of The Feelies and The Cure. Being sort of a follower of the band, I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing Edgars before. This interview, which was done a little over two years ago, was published in my fanzine, “Me Retracto De Lo Dicho” (which translates roughly to “I Take Back what’s Been Said”).
The article featured an extensive interview with Mr. Legzdins and a review of their second album, “Hello More” This album gave a comprehensible idea of what Plane was creating in 2005. Plane’s indie-rock feel was complemented with different synthesizer sounds and computer generated drum beats. The result was a hip and fresh sound that came across as innovative and filled with hope. The Hello More release received a fair airplay in The University of Costa Rica’s radio station. Daniel Costura picked up the single “Heart & Soulfor his independent rock radio show calledFindependiente”. I even came out to the radio show a couple of times to talk about Plane, Edgars’s views on corporate media giants and pop music, and the innovative sounds of the band.
Fast forward to 2007. I was studying Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Plane was in the studio recording what would be their follow up toHello More”, “I see love in the future”. This album undoubtedly was more rock influenced; nevertheless, it still featured a melodic influence, and the band still sounded familiar to me. I was getting involved with the University’s radio station KCOU 88.1 and even had some friends that had hosted a couple of rock shows. Edgars was kind enough to send me a promo copy of the album before it was released. I was invited by my friend Kurt to put some music on his radio show. More than delighted, I came into the DJ booth with some albums, including Plane’s “I see love in the future
-“Check this out” –I told Kurt as “The Calling Daysstarted coming out of the speakers. An acoustic guitar and a voice start singing the line “Come back out of the shallows, well wash it backin your ways we don’t care if youre hip of hypocritical…” This song, as most of the album, marked an increase in the band’s experience. The sound of the album itself departs from the electronically enhanced beats and the synthesizer’s lovely sounds (some songs still feature the classic Plane sound though). This by any means doesn’t mean that the band has lost an important part at all; they have just geared their music in another way. “I see love in the futurewas well received by the critics and Plane achieved more or less the cult status they were looking for.

It’s now the end of 2008 and Plane has changed completely once again. From what I hear, Edgars has had a fallout with the other band members and is currently the only founding member of the band that’s still in the Plane boat. They’ve been signed to a record label from Philippines, which expressed interest in working with them. A newly recorded EP is in the works and Edgars has been touring his home country, Latvia with the band and his father.
The three songs that were recorded for this new EP have been released in a compilation that presents the best of Plane until now. Reminiscent of The Cure and Joy Division, Legzdin’s Plane, has been able to shift their melodically correct music to a more serious/mature tone. From the musical standpoint, I have nothing to complain, as Plane is one of those groups that keep changing in a positive way through the years. The notorious fact is that the new album or compilation isn’t presented as Plane, it’s presented as only Edgars Legzdins. Even though Legzdins wrote most of the music featured in this release, the album doesn’t expose or present the band’s name. It’s as if the album was a solo release and not a Plane release.
From the three new songs, “The Last Waris probably the best. It may sound like The Cure, containing a bit of a lamenting tone in Legzdin’s voice. With a slow beat, Last War contains several interesting arrangements and productions techniques. Without pushing the envelope or making the song too pretentious, Legzdins adds to the song with his somewhat depressing tone of voice.
“Bipolar”, the next new song is probably the poppiest song of the three. Plane adds some nice guitar arrangements that remind me somewhat of Screeching Weasel or other pop-punk bands. The drums add a little bit of a New Order feel, and the bass, follows an intrepid but a little too typical post-punk line. Overall, the song is quite complete. The guitars are covered with distortion which gives it a little bit of shoegaze sound. It’s a little bit difficult for me to understand the vocals, as theyre overshadowed by all of the instruments.
The last of the three new songs, “In Eyesis a melodramatic song filled with many guitars and a decent dose of white noise (aka distortion). Plane does a good job with the musical arrangements but fails once more to make the listener understand the lyrics. Personally, I would’ve notched up the vocals a tad more. Alas, maybe Legzdins intention was to make the music more important than the lyrics. The song reveals Plane’s emotional side once more.
Maybe Bipolar and In Eyes were a little bit to overproduced for my taste. Some parts of these two are a little bit too redundant and do tire out the ear.
Enough of the gibberish, let’s get down to business. Let’s hear from the man himself, who probably has more reliable information than your trusted reporter.

G2: So Edgars, starting off from where I left you, in what ways (musically, emotionally, intellectually, etc) do you feel that Plane has evolved?
Yes, more reliable information indeed. It's funny you ask about evolution, I've been pondering this topic the past two years. Obviously, computers have organized the mind and created new social networks etc... but I don't think we'll soon have talking dummy robots. So our minds have to grow, change radically for evolution to take place, but you won't notice when it happens. It'll be shocking and normal at the same time. Like a weed flowering out of a sidewalk crack.
What I'm talking about has a lot to do with the way Plane has evolved. I still say, "Shake My Ground" was Plane's best album. Original members being Joel Pasia on drums, Joe London on bass, myself and Ed Anderson on guitar/vocals. Ed and I came from Forty Piece Choir, which was an amazing band, Joel came from Ruck La Rou another good band and Joe was just a friend I gave a break to. So Plane itself evolved from other bands. "Shake My Ground" hit 46 on the CMJ charts and we were off to a quick musical start. I was writing most of the words and music then. Joel lost his marbles to psychedelics and we were forced to record the next album without a drummer. So you see, "Hello, More" an album we are known more for, evolved out of destruction and a logical unconcious choice as far as where we were heading musically. We used programmed beats and Ed got more involved vocally etc... I'm not into limiting the direction of art so I just went along with what we were creating. You'll see later, how that decision led to more destruction. A label out of San Francisco, Future Farmer, picked up the album and we got more nationwide exposure. One of the songs is on Sony Playstations NHL 2K6 hockey game. That was chuckling so I went out and bought PS2 and the game. Someone stole the game so now I don't even play the system. More chaos through evolution. Ed and I were now supercharged to create a great third album and really bust loose. So we spent a year and a half creating the album, "I See Love in The Future". We spent way too long creating that album. Ed and I were split on which way the album should go. He was more into the technical programmed beat aspect of it and I wanted to get back to the roots of a natural sound. So now you hear live drums layed over programmed drums. Initially, Ed sang more lead, but I changed that on the last day of recording when Ed announced he was leaving the band. After his last vocal take was done, he told Joe and I he didn't have any time for Plane. So I asked Ed to step outside of my studio for a second and I locked the studio door on him. Eventually, I let him back in cause he had to get his gear. So, I was on my own now and reconstructed the album to my liking. Unfortunately, you can never really reconstruct anything, since Ed's footprints were all over that album. One thing I did change, was taking over lead vocal duties and resinging the songs in tune. I let Ed stay on lead for one song, "Rundowners" cause I didn't care too much for the lyrics. I think the album was cursed from the beginning with it's title, "I See Love in the Future", cause making such a statement is in direct conflict with what love is about in the first place. If you listen to the words of that song it's not about love at all but about taking over a destructive place, a destructive self, viciously. It's all quite strange and f'd up cause I unleashed my vision of the band to collaborate with Ed, we become a musical tag team, he leaves the band and leaves me with an album (created to be our huge push into the musical world) which now just bandwise doesn't make sense. It does fulfill the prophecy of "I See Love in the Future", as Ed's leaving gets me back my musical soul at the same time leaving the band in a chaotic state which predicting love in the future would do to one's soul indeed. (Corinthians 13:8..."Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail...) So, as far as that goes, you can come up with your own conclusion where I have evolved musically. It creates itself. It's your typical ego striven destruction of a band. But, I thrive through chaos and so does evolution. So there's great hope for Plane musically.

Emotionally, all my songs come from heartbreaks. I've got a lot of great ones. "The Last War" is a killer for me. It's about my last two year long relationship. One morning around Christmas she wakes up, tells my I have no future (once again the curse of the album) and tosses me to the curb. "In Eyes" was also written about her. It's about people leaving themselves, changing their personality so they can soulfully accept false truths. I got dumped this Christmas again. I was told I was too passionate, that I brought too many gifts. So, I've started writing a new song about that, it will be called, "School Day Party". Quite frankly, I'm emotionally burnt out on this topic. I need a different kind of muse to survive, I fear developing cancer over all this inner turmoil.

Intellectually? There needs to be a radical change so I don't develop cancer. I'm attracted to knitwits, bad news chics with bad news tricks and problems ya know. I've reached a shaman state where I think of something and soon enough that desire appears. It's quite strange and terrifying, needless to say, I've been attracting just bad news chics. I won't go into details, but I have many facts to support this shamanic existence. I didn't believe it was possible for you to imagine things and for them to create themselves, but after reading a little about quantum physics and other scientific facts its proven to be possible. Once I find myself in these situations, I have to destroy them so they don't come back lingering around. So you see, I'm trying to destroy the topic that I write about, emotionally its killing me. Friedrich Nietzche wrote: "that one might get a hold of the truth too soon, before man has become strong enough, hard enough, artist enough" to handle it. Nietzsche proposed that the "seeker after knowledge," the "opposite-man," was "secretly lured and pushed forward by his cruelty, by those dangerous thrills of cruelty turned against oneself." The insistence on truth was "a violation, a desire to hurt the basic will of the spirit which unceasingly strives for the apparent and superficial."

Intellectually, I'm tossing superficial people out of my life.

G2: How has it been working with the new members of PLANE?
I love working with them as musicians. I couldn't be happier with the 3 new songs we came up with for the EP Side A/Side B. It's the way Plane should sound. Ryan Weston - keys, myself - guitar, vocals, Ryan Aylward - bass, Joe Schro - drums. Aylward and Schro also play for a band called Camera. You should checkem out.

As people, it's been more difficult. I get too passionate and intense about stuff and it rubs them the wrong way. I kicked the rhythm section off the stage or they kind of left on their own, cause I berated them from the audiences perspective on stage. We had to work through that. I just wanted to end the show and get off stage. My intent and perspective doesn't always match others' perspectives so we get into disagreements.

G2: Do they give the band a different feeling, does the band feel revived?
Yes, we are where I'd like to be. Much more organic and emotional. I'm wearing them out, so I'm not sure they feel revived. Their revival inspires mine, so I'm kind of worn out myself. Unfortunately, I'm only a product of my environment.

G2: What is expected from you guys in the future?
Oh, nothing. I'm trying to do my best, but we're only what we are through the perspectives of others. Once again quantum science proves this. Energy can be transmitted to others, however others' perspectives skew the results.

G2: I feel Plane has lost a little bit of the melodic and poppy sound. Do you feel this is so? What can you tell me of the new sound in the band?
Thank Jesus for that. What is melody? Noise in itself is sound which is melody. We now create noise and build around it.

G2: So what’s up with this new record label from the Philippines?
Peter Chan from Universal Records Philippines sent me a contract, a non-exclusive deal, for "I See Love in the Future". They've yet to release the album. He just told me, he's releasing it out there in the beginning of the New Year.

G2: Will they be releasing the band’s old catalog?
Right now they're just working, "I See Love in The Future".

G2: How has the Latvian tour been?
I toured with my father who's band Cikagas Piecisi, is an iconic group a national treasure in Latvia. I could write a book about my experiences. They're regarded as musicians that gave the country hope while Latvia was still under communistic rule. I regard them as the band that freed a country through song and hope. Music is the closest we can get to God and they're musical energy and spirituality helped keep the dreams and hopes of occupied souls alive.

G2: What’s in the near future for Plane, for you and the other member’s in the band?
I've found out that the future is a curse. You can just do what is now. I'm starting to believe a few members of the band are too superficially instinctive. In that case, they'll be let go.
In your synopsis, you state that I don't get along with others and then give them the boot. That's not the case. People in my band drop by the wayside. They have a difficulty of actualizing the truth.
As physicist Wheeler put it bluntly: "There is no space-time, there is no before, there is no after. The question what happens next is without meaning." As if anticipating Wheeler, Nietzsche also wrote: "Every power draws its ultimate consequences at every moment."

G2: Any plans for the holidays?
Yeah, I love the holidays. I like to make them special. I like to give. Mystically this year, I met this fine girl the same day a year ago my last relationship ended. We got along like a cake, burning candles and all. I sent her flowers and she loved it. She had me meet her father. She invited me over for Christmas day. I brought her presents. The next day she gave me the boot cause I was too passionate, she said. My heart was too big, she said. She stuffed all the presents in a bag and had me leave. A friend told me the wikipedia interpreted her name as the devil. So I might have spent Christmas with the devil this year.
On new years eve, I was working on a story, beat writer style. I was at a concert and decided to jump up on stage in-between bands and berate the crowd. To see what would happen. Quite ridiculous, but that's how I write my stories. You can read about it in my blogs It was also part of destroying something that was creeping back in. A bad news chic was creeping back in and I had to do something foolish, ridiculous to keep her away. Like I said, I have a tendency to draw bad things in and I don't want that anymore. When the signs appear, I know I have to sabotage what's materializing so eventually I don't get burned. However, after I creatively destroy what's creating itself on it's own, I feel terribly guilty about my actions and it takes several weeks for me to apologize to the superficial souls I'm trying to avoid. In the end, I bear the guilt, embarrassment and pain. Being a shaman is a terrifying existence.

Pinchbeck says, "evolution and destruction enjoy dancing the tango together on the same razor's edge. What if the evolution of consciousness, rather than an adaptive quirk of the brain, was actually the central drama, purpose and point, of our whole show?... Inner development is an eccentric process, advancing in sudden jumps, in revelatory sparks and fizzles - each person is his or her own private universe. Strengthened by suffering and crisis.... What if this deepening of awareness takes place in the margins, in the nooks and crannies of contemporary life....Could it be, as the somnolent masses and the professional classes press forward in the old direction, seeking the same old rewards, that the new thing self-organizes out of chaos and noise, asserts itself in fragility and silence, then takes root and vitalizes until it suddenly manifests as established truth?"

Point being, as I witness signs and false truth appearing, I try to destroy my inward evolutionary process by destroying the truth before it happens. It will save me from waking up a third day Christmas year and having the one I dreamt of marrying reciting, "you have no future", breaking my being. I'm trying to stay ahead of evolution and it's destructive process.

G2: There are a couple of videos (one recorded live and another one in black & white) featured in your myspace page. Who filmed and produced these? Have they received any airplay? Is it cool to make a video?

Yeah, I love making videos. My songs are stories, autobiographies of my life and emotional state. Nothing is made up. So, it's great to express the songs conceptually through video. I wonder if music listeners ever listen to the words or just pay attention to the oh so important melody. Go to the orchestra for melody. My music is about the words and the music only expresses the emotional state of these thoughts. So, I can reach a larger audience through video.
We have a lot of videos, I wish I had one for each song. I was planning on doing that, but magically my video camera just flew into a toilet and I don't think it works anymore.

"In Eyes," is a super emotional song. It's about f'd up people, who change their personality to justify their being and rationalization of leaving others. Chorus being, "you're not leaving me, you're leaving you." I wanted to capture this emotion on video. I met a truely passionate artist in video/filmmaker Daniel Ryan (you can check his art at and we began tossing ideas around. During the making of the song, a really super talented singer/rock star in Chicago decided to sing the female parts. I also gave her a verse to free form and come up with what she was thinking. She really opened up and made the song sick with words like, "I’m no indication of love, I can't stop leaving me, and I’ve got to be buried, bury me deep." Then I also met this guy with an amazing French voice that I wanted to include to give the song a 60's Gainesburg effect. I find people, I think not by chance, but through the theories of quantum science/energy, then the song creates itself. At first, no one takes it seriously, but after they hear my final produced version they are like, hey man pretty cool. This female artist who sang is quite a card though. After she laid down her tracks, she went through a grievous loss and reacted to the song negatively and didn't want her parts used. It was like she was leaving the song, leaving herself. Strange signs. I explained to her how the song was creating itself and how her personality and hardships perfectly matched what I was trying to express. Later, she agreed to let me use her vocals but only if I used a false name for her. So I call her Tea Moare. She's another sweetheart that's slapped me with the too intense heart joker card.
Daniel Ryan produced the video, this cat Aaron filmed it and Marika, a model, pretty much took over and made the video. I wasn't sure they understood the song so I became irritable during the shoot. After several martinis, I was excluded from its filming. Overall, budgetary wise, I think they did a great job. It's in the top 20 on Latvia's Latvian Music Channel. You can vote for it here:

Plane was also blessed by JBTV, this unbelievable cult video show hosted by Jerry Bryant. His programming gets syndicated nationwide. He had us perform live on his show, which was a great honor. That's where the other video on our myspace page came from (

G2: What can the 2005 Edgars Legzdins say to the present Edgars Legzdins?
You ain't learned shit kid.

G2: What is your current view on commercial music? Do you feel or want that Plane needs to venture into this field?
I hear a lot of good riffs and tunes on commercials. I think commercials have the best music now. Much better than what's on the radio.

G2: In terms of exposure, does Plane want to maintain an underground status or hit the spotlight?
I have nothing to do with either

G2: Any new side projects in the making?
I’m going to revive some "Collection" songs that haven't been released
I also might release a solo album, with just an acoustic guitar
I’m thinking of doing a Christmas album with my dad
I’m writing a book
I’m pursuing a modeling career after my 2007. Dec issue of Playboy modeling debut p. 87
(My picture characterizes a deaf mute serial killer in a Stephen King short novel)

G2: Is your recording studio still open for business?
Yeah, but it's pretty private. i only record bands I like. Bands ask me to do stuff and I’ll help produce and arrange songs, even play on them. I’m not in it for the cash.

G2: So what’s up with this cold weather everywhere!? What’s your position on global warming?
The world will end before we get to that point.

G2: On the personal side, is Edgars Legzdins thinking about settling down sometime soon?
Sure, peace is where it's at. life is not a struggle. The last three girls I’ve cared for told me 1. I have no future 2. I’m too intense and weird
3. I’m too passionate.
So, I’ll have to change my name and personality to be able to settle down with anyone anytime soon.

G2: Will there be a Plane album soon? In the upcoming year?
We’re in the studio just recording now. we have a bunch of demos and are sorting through the good stuff. There’s no point in albums anymore due to mp3's and the digital revolution. we'll release one song at a time.

G2: Any plans on starting a North American tour or a South American tour sometime soon?
No, the last time I was on stage our rhythm section walked off the stage. i won't put up with ineptness. But I’ve always thought ineptness is where punk rock is at. So yeah, we'll be doing shows real soon.

G2: List your current favorite bands.
Sybris, ‘cause they beat me up after their last show.

G2: Have you been listening to independent music lately?
No, I’ve been going through my new wave collection to see which records i can sell.

G2: Have your writing influences changed in any way since “I See Love In The Future”?
No, I keep meeting horrible women. Unfortunately, they are my muses and serve as my writing material.

G2: Where did you record your new EP? Are these the best songs you guys have right now?
They could be better, but I’m not spending years recording songs anymore. "Last War" was recorded by Adam Yoffe at Blue Room Studio. All of our stuff is recorded at my studio.

G2: What can you tell me about your Dad’s music? Has he been an influence on you?
His music is classified as folk/country. Some of his songs are sung as hymns in Latvia. In the 60's when the communists occupied Latvia and they were trying to Russify Latvia and destroy the Latvian culture, my father's music was traded in the underground and the black market. If the communist police heard families listening to his music, the families would get severely punished, sent to Siberia etc....

My father's music stands for freedom, love, hope, Latvian nationalism, making fun of the commies. His band has been around for 50 years. They just finished tours in Ireland and Latvija. This November he received a standing ovation from a crowd of 40,000. He's a national hero in Latvia. A cult icon.

To me he represents, what you can accomplish with music. You can influence people, generate hope, fight the fight, do whatever it takes to never get old or give up.

You can Google his band: Cikagas Piecisi or go to

G2: Is your father still active in the Latvian music scene?
Yeah, we just got back from a three week tour in Latvia. They sang in front of the President at the Latvian National Monument during Latvia's independence day, November 18th. He's always writing plays, musicals, songs etc....

G2: What does he sing about?
Love, Freedom, Drinking, His Country, Hope, Satirical Situations

G2: How was to play with him? Inspiring? Emotional?
I help out as sound engineer and stage manager. It's always inspiring to watch him play and see the audience react to his freedom songs. There's a lot of history there. It's as if the band was hand in hand with the people of Latvia, who had to endure the communist occupation, for forty years. The people and culture of Latvia, behind closed doors, trying to survive, maintain their language and culture. My father's music and lyrics inspired them, kept the fire in their hearts a live. There's countless of stories between the people of Latvia meeting my father for the first time. Once a taxi - driver recognized my father, so the driver drove my father to the cabbies home. In tears, the cab driver awarded my father, the cabbie's fallen father's war medal. He said my father had earned it, for what he had done to inspired a ravished nation. Stalin executed more people in World War 2 than Hitler did. Few people know that.

G2: For what I can hear it sounds quite folkish, is the music of his typical Latvian music?
No, it's not typical. It's very original as far as Latvian music goes. More accoustic/ballad driven. The lyrics are very special to the country of Latvia.